Illegal special offer for all ILLEGAL WAIFUS customers

Word scramble ILLEGAL to get a mystery box with our items valued worth $500 for free! 

Challenge is valid from April 28 to December 30, 2023

We are giving away mystery boxes valued at $500 for free to anyone who collects the word "ILLEGAL" using letters that are
collected from orders throughout the year!

Individual letters are sent with each order and randomized with duplicates possible.

Participate by collecting letters sent with your orders!

All letters are written on round stickers. Below is an example of what they look like.

Only these stickers will be accepted for this challenge.

A randomized sticker letter will be added to all orders $20 or more until the end of the year.

Please do not ask us to send you a particular letter. The contest is based on chance. However, trading among friends is permitted!

One order is issued one letter.

Please note that we want this contest to be fair. We will verify all winners and their quantity of orders.

All winners will receive a mystery box with our items valued worth $500 for free. Winners will only be responsible for shipping and tracking for $15.

Best ofluck to everyone and happy hunting! Let’s have fun!